It Might Be Time for Spring Break If . . .


Never let it be said that the Barkers don’t observe Spring Break. Here in the Heartland, by the time the middle of March rolls around, everyone is ready for a break whether spring weather has arrived or not. In other words, the operative word is break.

And so, a blogging break is on my agenda this week. I’ll skip my Midweek Morsel post this Wednesday but will return with a regular post next Sunday afternoon.

First some fun, though—a little guide to let you know if you might need a spring break, too :)

It might be time for spring break if:

  1. You’re regularly looking for items that, in fact, are right under your nose.
  2. Dates with your significant other have been reduced to an occasional lunch at Arby’s.
  3. You’re dangerously close to giving yourself a new “do”. . . by pulling out some hair!
  4. Your to-do list rivals the size of Santa’s naughty and nice list. Or . . .
  5. Your GPS system has been setting itself for an out-of-town trip.
So what are you waiting for? Get the heck out of Dodge! :)

See you soon!

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:” Ecclesiastes 3:1

*Do you have any spring break plans?

*Flickr photo by koalazymonkey


  1. Enjoy your break!

  2. Hope you get some good down time!!!

  3. Thanks, Vonda and Emily! Appreciate you!

  4. Cheryl,

    I was grinning with you through this today :)

    Jennifer Dougan

  5. Jennifer, glad the post brought smiles! :)

  6. Such a cute post!! Have a great Spring break!

  7. Thanks, Alicia! Glad you enjoyed the post!

  8. Enjopy your break! I plan on spring cleaning!

  9. Thanks, Nanette! We had a busy week. Sounds like your spring break will be busy, too. Enjoy!

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