So Much to See, So Little Time!

Anyone else longing to travel? The older I get the more I realize how far behind I am in seeing the world. And now? There’s just so much to see and so little time!

Summer’s already teasing me. We haven’t been in the habit of taking a real trip every year—after all, life has a way of eating up vacation funds. But now that college and wedding expenses are behind us, vacations are more of a possibility.

Since the best time for my husband to travel is in July, we have a tendency to pick Colorado mountain destinations where we can escape the Kansas heat. But there are so many other places I long to see as well. Maybe after retirement? Sadly, Don tells me he wants to teach until he’s seventy! Good grief, doesn’t he realize I’ve got traveling to do? :)

Here in the good ole USA, I’d love to someday visit Washington, D.C.; New York City and Boston, along with other East coast historic areas; Alaska and Hawaii; Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons; West coast cities and scenic destinations; historic areas in the deep South; Florida, Tennessee—I could go on and on. As you can tell, I want to see more of our country!

And if that’s not enough, I’d even like to get up the courage (and the money!) to brave international travel at some point. Like everyone else, I’d love to visit Rome, Paris, and London (and other points of interest in those cities’ respective countries), but other places intrigue me as well.

Since my family immigrated from Ireland and Scotland generations ago, those destinations hold a special appeal. (I’ve enjoyed getting a taste of Irish life over on Irish American Mom. I learn something new from Mairead [rhymes with parade] every time I visit.) Switzerland and Germany sound appealing, too, and visiting the Holy Land would be so meaningful—though travel there sounds a little more scary to me. I can be a chicken :) Given that fact, I’m not sure I’d be up to an African safari, but that also sounds amazing.

Like I said, so much to see, so little time. I realize I won’t see all of these places in my lifetime, but surely I can make it to some of them. And to be totally honest, traveling to and navigating around unfamiliar places does indeed make me a little nervous. You know, all those chances to get lost and/or make other mistakes :)

I don’t want to let my fears hold me back, though. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in over a half century of living, it’s that the Lord walks with me each step of the way. And even better than that, He goes before me and guides me if I’ll only look to Him.

So even though there’s so much to see and so little time, my heavenly Guide will help me make the best of it. How about you? Anyone else ready to travel?

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

*Is summer already teasing you? Where would you like to travel?

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out the first week in May. Sign up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Per Ola Wiberg ~ Powi


  1. I recognize the symptoms of wanderlust. I come down with it several times a year. In fact, we are headed to Germany, Ireland & Scotland this September, and already my feet are twitching.

    A good ole walk-about at home is good, too. A Sunday drive is sometimes just the thing to cure my need for travel, especially if it includes an ice cream cone.


  2. Yes! I have already been doing searches to decide on a destination for the summer. We are ready to get out! : )

  3. Oh darlin’, I’d love to travel!!! Seems the old Ponderosa keeps up pretty tied down and the only ‘vacation’ we take is a workcation at my Mom’s in Brownsville Tx.

    Believe me when I say that’s a mission trip when we visit my Mom and Sis down there. We always leave exhausted. We do all the years repairs while we’re there.

    Then it’s back to the Ponderosa. I’d love to visit DC again, I was nine the last time. I long to see Mt. Rushmore and to go on a Camera Safari in Africa.

    God bless ya sweetie and I pray God gives ya the desires of your heart so ya can pack those bags!!!

  4. i’m TORTURING myself with these all inclusive travel deals. i keep looking at the websites thinking, “wow! that’s really not that expensive!” and then i think, “yes, that is!!! sarah! stop!”

    we normally live to travel. we don’t spend any money all year and then we go places. but this year i needed new boots and a new coat. and there went airfare….

    nevermind. there’s always next year. :)

  5. Cheryl, I’m dying to go to Ireland! I have stacks of books about, been saving toward it for 5 years, and maybe this will be the year since hubby just retired. Do you have to wait for him to retire? Maybe one of your daughters would go with you. . .!

    Thank you for the link to the Irish American Mom’s blog – looking forward to learning from her.

  6. I, like you, have so many places I’d like to visit. The reality of life, however, tells us we won’t likely with Dani’s disabilities and all. I so wish I could see the Holy Land but rest in the assurance that though I may not see it here on earth, I am destined to see the New Jerusalem, all expenses paid to boot!

    Blessings dear one and I hope you get to see all the places your heart dreams to see:)

  7. Hey gals, I’m loving hearing about all of your travel hopes and plans!

    Nancy, I love your attitude about the travel limitation you guys face — can’t beat an all-expense paid trip to the New Jerusalem, huh? I hope God blesses you with some very special travels here on earth someday, though.

    Jana, hope you get to make your trip to Ireland this year! Am so glad you can connect with Irish American Mom now and peruse her blog. So much great info on Ireland there. And I like the way you think on trying to wrangle a trip to Ireland for me :) Sounds like fun but am not sure I could go off and enjoy it and leave Don here at home. I might never live that down! :)

  8. Paris, Paris, Paris. Enough said. I’ve been once and I can’t wait to go back!

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