The Lifeline

5433549942_a8c4cea1fd_zWhat do our Bibles say about us? Are they placed in handy spots or put away on bookshelves? Are they worn with use or are the pages still in pristine condition? Have we made personal notes in them or could they belong to anyone?

The poem below, which I wrote well over a decade ago, describes what I hope my daughters will one day think about me and my Bible. Does it express your heart’s desire as well?

The Lifeline

Who would have guessed that a mundane chore
Could lead to such precious discovery,
A familiar book seen in new light
Became a gem, a treasure to me.
Lifting the Bible to dust all around
I noticed its cover, worn with use,
And automatically thought of my mother.
This was her Bible—
Her Lifeline, she lovingly called it,
It told of God’s love and sustaining grace
On which she daily relied.
And as I glanced through its well-marked pages
Another lifeline came into view,
The life of my mother scattered throughout
In handwritten notes and underlined verses,
In special dates to remember.
Her spiritual journey could also be traced
Through verses of praise and anguish,
Her walk with God stamped o’er its pages,
A remembrance of what she lived.
What a gift God gave me that day—
Mom’s life, tucked inside her Lifeline.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

*Is there a particular verse from the Bible that has served as a lifeline for you during a difficult time?

*Flickr photo by Lel4nd, Creative Commons License

Midweek Morsel: Hanging on His Words


“…all the people hung on his words.” Luke 19:48b

Not long ago, in remembrance of what Jesus did for us through His death and resurrection, I read through several chapters of Luke’s account of those holy events, starting with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Luke tells us that every day Jesus taught at the temple and then concludes that particular paragraph with “all the people hung on his words.”

I already had that phrased underlined in my Bible, but I’ve got to tell you, those words captured my attention again. I could picture the people listening intently, straining to hear every word, hungry for the life-giving words and wisdom of Jesus.

So let me simply ask today, what about us? Are we hanging on His words? Are we listening intently, straining to hear everything He says to us? Are we hungry for the life-giving words and wisdom of Jesus, for the truth, instruction, and comfort of the Word of God?

In other words, who or what is our lifeline? To whom are we listening? May we be found hanging on His words!

*I hope this slightly revised encore post from April 2011 was a blessing to you today!

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter comes out next week, and author Suzie Eller has graciously offered to give one of my subscribers a copy of Come With Me, her new book coming out in May. If you haven’t subscribed yet, now is a great time to do so. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by [derekmswanson], Creative Commons License