Five Years of Blogging


I couldn’t let September 17th go by without bringing a mini-milestone to light. After all, five years of blogging deserves a mention, right? It might even call for some chocolate! :)

A few of you have probably been with me from the beginning and several more for three or four of those years now. Some of you are relatively new, possibly stopping by for only the last year or so. Whatever your time frame with me, I’m so happy you make me a part of your life.

That’s probably the best part of blogging—the opportunity to touch the lives of others, being able to bless and encourage and being blessed and encouraged in return. Your support and friendship mean so much to me.

To celebrate my five-year mark, let’s have some fun. For each of you who leave a comment on this post, I will leave a comment back (though I may group a few remarks in one comment) telling you five words or phrases that come to mind when I think of you. Five for five. Fun, huh?

If I don’t know you very well, feel free to go ahead and play. It will just challenge my creative abilities, right? And that will be fun, too :)

So go ahead. Leave a comment and find out my five for five for you. I’m so thankful for you all!

“[I] love you so much that [I am] delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but [my life] as well, because you have become so dear to [me].” 1 Thessalonians 2:8

*Do you remember when you first started visiting my blog? Do you remember how you found it or came to know about it?

*Flickr photo by TheDeliciousLife


  1. Congrats and Kudos on 5 years! Doesn’t seem that long.
    Here’s my 5 to you:
    great sister
    introducing the great…

  2. You wanted us to comment with five words that remind us of you? Here are my five: friend, smile, cheerful, hurry, kind
    Or do you want us to say when we joined your blog and how we heard about it? I learned about it a couple years ago through the Fellowship of Christian Writers in Tulsa.

  3. Happy Blogiversary, Cheryl! I think I found you from reading and liking your comments on Stuff Christians Like. Must have been 2 years ago. (If it feels like 6 months, it probably was 2 years. . . middle-aged phenomenon)

    Now, it’s your turn. Since we’ve never really met, I’m quite curious as to what you will have to say about me!

  4. Janice, thanks for the five words you came up with for me! I’m supposed to give five words for you, but I love that you wrote some for me, too. Especially liked the last one :)

    Here are my five for you:
    equally great sister :)
    bargain finder

    Thanks for all your love and support, sister!

  5. Elece, I’m supposed to think of five for you, but I got a kick out of the ones you left for me. So funny that you mentioned “hurry” :) You always see me running in to our FCW meetings at the last minute and then leaving just as quickly so I can start the long drive home. Come to think of it, though, I pretty much hurry everywhere I go :)

    Here are my five for you:
    fellow writer

    Appreciate you, Elece!

  6. Thanks for playing, Jana! I agree with your middle-aged phenomenon :)

    Let’s see what five things I can come up with for you! :)

    blogging friend
    talented artist
    California girl

    So happy we got to know each other through blogging, Jana!

  7. Congratulations on five years Cheryl! Very proud of you and your vision and faithfulness to getting this blog up and posting so faithfully. May you have many more years of blogging. I like your photo for this post, too. :)

  8. Thanks, Debbie, for all your encouraging words and faithful support here on the blog over the years! And yes, I liked that picture, too :)

    Here are my five for you:
    loving sister
    devoted mother and grandmother
    missions and ministry-minded
    a great idea person
    too far away from me :)

    Thanks for being such a great big sister and for all your faithful support!

  9. Debbie in KY says

    Congratulations on five years! I’m too new here to know you, or you me, but I’ve read many past entries and I’d love to share my brand new thoughts about your blog:


  10. Debbie in KY, thanks so much for sharing your impressions of my blog even though you are fairly new here! Wow, what an encouragement to hear that you’ve read several past posts and have such kind things to say — thank you!!

    Let’s see if I can come up with five things for you based on the two blog comments you’ve made recently. Here goes! :)

    blog reader
    sister in Christ
    Kentucky gal
    reaches out

    So glad to be getting to know you, Debbie!

  11. Hi Cheryl,
    Congratulations on five years! I can’t remember where I came across your blog, but I enjoy your love for your family, your enjoyment of birds and your Creator, and your love of writing.

    Thanks for counting gifts with me at my site this week, Cheryl. I thought of you this morning when an eastern bluebird landed on my deck railing, since I know how much you enjoy birds.

    Jennifer Dougan

  12. Jennifer, thanks so much for you sweet comment! Wish I could have seen the bluebird with you this morning! :)

    Here are my five words for you:
    heart for ministry
    loving mom

    So happy we met through blogging, Jennifer!

  13. Hi Cheryl, I started reading your blog as soon as you said you were writing one. So that must be five years. It wasn’t difficult for me to think of five words for you..Faithful, caring, forgiving, generous, talented writer!!!
    Thought I would “trade” 5 words with you!

  14. 5 years? How has it been that long already?! :)

    5 words for you:

  15. Your blog is a blessing to me, and I love how blogs do connect us to each other! Blessings on 5 years!

  16. Norma, thanks so much for the five precious words you left for me and also for being a faithful reader from the beginning!

    Here are my five words for you:
    faraway family

    Thanks for all the encouragement throughout the years! Much love!

  17. Kristin, thanks so much for the five words you used to describe me. I think some of those I could say right back at you :)

    Let’s see what I think of for you:
    dearly loved and loving daughter
    sugar plum fairy
    amazing pianist
    environmentally green

    Hard for me to stop there. There are so many things I could say about you. Love you, sweetie pie, and appreciate your faithful love and support!!

  18. Emily, thanks so much for your sweet message. You are a blessing to me, too!

    Here are my five words for you:
    blogging friend
    loving mother
    amazing photographer
    trusting God

    So glad we’ve gotten to know one another! Appreciate your support and encouragement so much!

  19. Here are my five for you, Cheryl:



  20. CONGRATULATIONS!! Five years is quite a milestone.

  21. Aww, thanks for those five words, Elaine!

    Here are my five for you:

    blogging friend and fellow writer

    So glad we got to know one another online, Elaine. Maybe one day we’ll get to meet in person. Wouldn’t that be fun?!

  22. Thanks, Alicia! Am so happy we’ve connected online recently!

    Here are my five words for you:
    sister in Christ

    Thanks for being an encouragement to me here on the blog, Alicia!

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