Still Little Girls at Heart

My big little girls are still at it. Still trying to capture the magic under the Christmas tree. As you can see, this year Kristin and Kelli sported elf hats while the Peanut M&M man even got in on the fun :)

These sweet girls of mine will probably still be taking this shot when they’re my age because when it comes right down to it, they’ll always be little girls at heart. Little girls that I love — at Christmas and always!

I’ll be back with regular posts on Sunday. Enjoy the rest of your holiday week!


  1. So nice to have your girls home for Christmas!! Enjoy!

  2. I love it! I take my reindeer ears and my Christmas socks to my mom’s every year and change them throughout the night while we are opening presents! Its so much fun!

  3. hooray for kids at heart forever!! and YOUR kids forever and EVER!

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