Rained On

A couple of days ago it showered in our community, but we didn’t get any precipitation. How can that be? Simple — it rained leaves! Not a few sprinkles, mind you, but a steady shower of leaves could be seen racing toward the ground each time I looked out the window. Crazy leaves. Here they were jumping ship before they put on a full show of color for us. Definitely not a typical Midwest autumn.

Even the way the leaves fell the other day spoke volumes. These were rebel leaves. Nothing gentle and graceful about them. Most of the time when I think of falling leaves, I picture them taking turns dancing their way to the ground — not this mass exodus of foliage frantic in its desire to clutter our yards. Lucky for us, though, plenty from their ranks still remain on the trees to dance for us in the days to come.

As I watched the raining leaves, I thought of other things that seem to rain down into our lives. Troubles came to mind and of course the old phrase “when it rains, it pours”. But more than that, I thought of blessings. I wondered what it would look like if we could actually see all of our blessings raining down on us like we could see the leaves raining down that day. I bet it would look more like a downpour than a shower.

Do a quick inventory with me, and you’ll see what I mean. First there are the biggies — God’s love and care, family, friends, health, home, job and financial provision, our nation, a church family, a beautiful world, our possessions, the list goes on… Within each of those categories, I could list a host of more specific blessings. Each of you could do the same.

And what about the blessings we take for granted? This summer a flood devastated part of our town. We found out real quick what a blessing clean, safe running water is when our water supply was contaminated. The same could be said for other things like electricity, a safe food supply, gasoline, medical care, mail and other services. Again the list goes on…

Yes, we’ve been rained on. Showered with blessings. What did we do to deserve such abundance? Nothing. Scripture says “From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another.” (John 1:16)

How thankful I am that God’s blessings don’t depend on me deserving them, but rather they are just gifts from Him. So…next time you see a falling leaf (or a tree load of falling leaves!), take a moment and thank God for the blessings He has rained on you. Better grab an umbrella.


  1. Great analogy Cheryl.

  2. Thanks, Debbie. God is so good — and faithful — to give me ideas to write about on the blog.

  3. Thanks Cheryl. I really needed a reminder this week of all the blessings I have and take for granted. Your Words to Live By also hit home this week. Thanks again.

  4. Lisa, so glad the blog has helped you this weeek. Thanks for letting me know — that’s an encouragement to ME!

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