The Trenches of Faith


Tests of faith. As believers we all experience them at one time or another. They are the times when we have to answer the question will we continue to trust God?

Some of us may even be facing marathon tests of faith. We may be in the midst of a seemingly unending trial. We don’t have the strength to go on unless God gives it, unless we lift our eyes to him once more. We find ourselves in the trenches of faith.

If that describes you today, may the following words be one way that God touches you with his love and grants you strength for another day.

In the Trenches

Blindsided by a twist of life
that refuses to let go,
you think the test
must almost be over
but the pain remains,
the heartbreak goes on,
disappointment and confusion surround.

You’re in the trenches,
the trenches of faith,
the decision to trust ever before you.

Fresh blows land their mark
you falter, you fall,
but faithfulness
won’t let you stay there.

Unseen strength helps you
lift your eyes once more
to the One who loves you
the One who will carry you
the One always worthy of trust.
For you’re not alone
In the trenches of faith—
God is there,
ever helping you to press on.

“God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5b

*What can you do to help someone in the trenches of faith today?

*Photo by kevin dooley, Creative Commons License

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  1. I love this! So beautifully written…and so true. Thank you for the encouragement at a time I really needed it!

  2. Debbie Henry says

    I can think of multiple people this would be an encouragement to. Is this a new poem? Love it.

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