Looking Ahead

Once again, I’m thinking months ahead. That’s the life of a writer for you.

Writers are always looking ahead, writing seasonal material months in advance. During the heat of summer, we’re doing our best to slip into a holiday frame of mind, trying to conjure up all kinds of Christmasy feelings and capture them on paper. Right now I’m thinking May as I work on Mother’s Day submissions for Blue Mountain Arts.

Each editor, publication, and project has its own editorial calendar with its own deadlines. As writers, we have to look ahead and stay on top of the ones we’re interested in, or we lose the opportunity to have our work considered. We’ve got to keep future dates in mind and work to be prepared.

It helps to look ahead and be prepared in our personal lives, too, doesn’t it? Each season of life has its own deadlines, so to speak. We go to college to be prepared to enter the work force and provide for our families. When our kids are born, we start college funds so we can be ready to put them through school. We try to prepare for the empty nest by investing in our marriages and pursuing personal interests. We save and plan for retirement so our kids won’t be forced to support us one day. We look ahead. We prepare. If we don’t, someone suffers the consequences.

What about in our walk with the Lord? What can we do to be spiritually prepared for life’s changes and challenges? I’ve found no better preparation than being in the Word of God day in and day out. In Colossians 3:16, Paul said, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…”, and we can do that by reading and studying our Bibles, by memorizing and meditating on scripture, and then by living it out in our daily lives.

If we prepare by planting the Word of God in our hearts, the Holy Spirit will faithfully bring to mind the truths, wisdom, and encouragement we need as situations arise. Jesus said, “‘But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.'” (John 14:26)

So let’s look ahead. Let’s not only be prepared in our work and personal lives. Let’s be ready in our spiritual lives as well. If we don’t, we’ll surely suffer the consequences.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

*What suggestions do you have for being spiritually prepared for life’s challenges?

*My photo


  1. Great post! Our ladies Bible Study is kicking off this week and I am very excited. It is on Prayer. I think that prayer is a gift from God that we don’t use often enough. I would be lost on a daily basis if I couldn’t talk to God when I want. It is a way for me to handle the daily challenges that come my way each day. Thanks again.

  2. I plan for the future by staying in God’s word and memorizing it daily. Though I may not see it at the time, the word I plant in my heart is something God eventually uses to strengthen, encourage, or guide me. Never fails.

    May the Lord bless your writing endeavors.

  3. Thanks for the reminder that we need to stay in the Word. I know I need a lot of help on the memorizing & meditating part! :)


  4. Yes, being the Word daily is the best offense for the world’s increasing defense! I so admire your organizing strengths, Cheryl. I need more of that right now. My life is running at full throttle. I don’t know if I’m going or coming most days.

    And you’re planning a wedding as well!

    Whew, just typing that makes me tired.


  5. Good post, Cheryl! I’m so proud of you! I’ll be on the lookout for your Valentine’s cards this year. I hope you receive acceptances for your Mother’s Day cards, too! :)


  6. I think being more constant in prayer and being in His Word are the best ways to be ‘ready’ for what may lie ahead for us. Because esp prayer is our way of being connected to Him and being closer to Him.

    I heart Blue Mountain Arts cards. How strange it must be to have warm and fuzzy thoughts at the ‘wrong time’. I’ve never really thought about that in regards to cards. They’re just there. lol

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing us a Happy Anniversary!
    We had a great day!!

  8. I need to plan ahead. I’m stepping back into freelance this year. I’d love to write for cards.

    God’s best to you!

  9. Cheryl, this is such a good encouragement for me. I’m a live in the moment girl which is good, but I need to be more organized for my future submitting as well as being prepared spiritually for what’s to come. I really needed to hear what you said, so thank you!

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