Looking Back…and Thanking God

My last post found me looking ahead, but today I want to spend a moment looking back. Some of you may remember that this time last year we were in the midst of a season of increased demand.

Don’s mom lay in the hospital with renal failure, and the doctor didn’t expect her to live. He forgot, though, that she’s a gal who doesn’t go down without a fight. Yes, she beat the odds. She’s alive today, and even though she has to have infusions five days a week at the hospital, she’s in a fairly stable spot now. (I’m almost afraid to say that out loud — don’t want to jinx it!)

I thank God that He’s allowed her to enjoy more of life. More time to see her kids. More outings to Pizza Hut. A chance to see our daughter Kelli’s engagement ring… I’m beyond grateful that God made it possible for her to continue to live in her assisted living apartment. I’m thankful that my current season of increased demand has more to do with weddings and joy than with sickness and sorrow. For all of this and more, today I’m looking back… and thanking God.

I invite you to do some looking back of your own. What mighty thing(s) has God done for you this past year? Please share — let’s praise and thank Him together!

“It is my pleasure to tell you about the miraculous signs and wonders that the Most High God has performed for me.” Daniel 4:2

**The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, will come out in early February. Sign-up is on the right sidebar.

Flickr photo by RichardO


  1. amen! God has been so good to our family this year in subtle ways. allowing me to stay home and see my son grow up, giving me a new passion in life, giving me new amazing friends, which have made finland a different place. God is good all the time.

  2. There is value in looking back, if for no other reason, than to see where we’ve come from…and to see how God’s plans have unfolded.

    Such great news about your mother-in-law! Hope the wedding plans are going well.

  3. Exceedingly grateful for the good health all of our family has known in the past year. For financial provision that has paid our bills and allowed us to eat out occasionally (one of our favorite splurges…). And more of his Word hidden in my heart; I’m not at the same place in my journey with Jesus as I was last year at this time. I’m closer to him and thankful for his continual reminders of his presence in my everyday.

    It’s good to look back and remember.


  4. Great post Cheryl! My husband is fighting a chronic disease.


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