Bridal Bouquet: Classic and Elegant Calla Lilies


Mother of the Bride, has your darling daughter given any thought to her bridal bouquet yet? With so many beautiful options out there, she may be having trouble deciding on which type of bouquet will be perfect for her dream-come-true day. You can’t make the choice for her, but you can certainly help by suggesting a few for her to consider.

Roses, of course, are beautifully classic, but another ever-classic and elegant option is a bouquet done completely in white Calla Lilies. These gorgeous sleek flowers will beautifully complement any bridal gown, especially with the little pop of color the center of each flower will add. According to, white Calla Lilies are widely available year-round, too, making this an easy option for all.

What do you think, MOB? Will this gorgeous option strike a dream-come-true chord with your daughter? If so, that’s one more decision taken care of. Have fun checking it off your list!

*You might also like to read Bridal Bouquet and Boutonniere Sheet Music Idea, Inexpensive Bridal Bouquet Idea: Baby’s Breath, Wedding Idea That Sparkles: A Brooch Bouquet, and Knitted Bridal Bouquet and More.

*The new issue of Life Notes, my inspirational quarterly newsletter, came out earlier this week. It’s not too late to receive it. Sign-up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Dario Pichini Photographer, Creative Commons License

Bridal Veils: The Corded Veil


Mother of the Bride, if your daughter has found the gown of her Big Day dreams, it’s now time to start thinking about a veil. Be aware that some brides will prefer not wearing a veil at all, but if your bride-to-be is not in that group, you’ll want to help her carefully consider what would look best with her particular gown.

An elegant and classic choice that looks good with numerous bridal gowns is the corded veil. The simple cord adorning the edge of the veil, whether single or double-tiered, works especially well with gowns featuring a lot of detail. Something simple in a veil perfectly complements the gown then rather than competing with its already gorgeous detail.

Do you think a corded style might be the answer to your sweet girl’s bridal veil needs, MOB? If so, be sure to put it at the top of your list of suggestions. She just might agree!

*You might also like to read Bridal Veils: The Birdcage Veil, In Lieu of a Veil: Floral Bridal Combs or Hairpins, and Bridal Headpiece Idea: The Flower Crown.Main portrait on stairs with flowers*Top of post Flickr photo by, Creative Commons License; bottom photo of my daughter Kristin by Chris Humphrey Photographer

Wedding Cake Idea: Swiss Dots


Mother of the Bride, is your daughter’s style classic yet feminine? If so, share today’s cake idea with her. It may be just what she’s looking for after she adds her own bridal spin to it.

The detail and precision of a swiss dot wedding cake make it especially gorgeous. Like pictured above, just add ribbons around the layers and then coordinating flowers as a topper. Add more flowers at the bottom, and you’ve got a winner.

Also, if dotted swiss is used in the bride’s gown or bridesmaids dresses or any of the other wedding décor, a swiss dot cake might be the perfect choice for a wedding cake. I love it when a particular touch from one part of the wedding carries over into other parts as well. That kind of attention to detail really shines.

So MOB, have your daughter imagine this cake accented with her wedding colors and flowers. Beautiful, yes? If this is what she chooses, it will be a hit I’m sure!

*You might also like to read Sugar Roses Still Gorgeous on Wedding Cakes , Wedding Cake Idea: The Textured Cake, Wedding Cake Idea: Beautiful Brooch Accents!, and Wedding Cake Idea: The Drape Effect.

*Take note that the cake above features a very cool wooden cake stand (with the wedding date!), but a silver, glass, or mirror stand would look especially classy with the swiss dot look as well.

*The next issue of Life Notes, my quarterly inspirational newsletter, comes out in early November. Sign up is free and to the right!

*Flickr photo by Whipped Bakeshop, Creative Commons License