Springing Forward

So did you all spring forward successfully today? Or were you one of the ones who arrived just in time for church when you thought you were actually getting there for Sunday School? Don’t worry. I’ve been there. I think we all have at one time or another.

Thanks to daylight savings time we’ll all get to enjoy an extra hour of daylight in our evenings for the next several months. Nothing to complain about there. The process of getting that extra hour, though, is not totally pain free is it? I mean, who likes to lose an hour of sleep? Makes for kind of a rocky start to the new day, huh? Once we’ve adjusted, though — once we’ve made that little sacrifice — we love the benefit we’ve gained.

Can’t help but wonder if there are other areas in our lives where we might benefit by some more springing forward. You know, just taking the leap and doing some things. Things we’ve hoped for or talked about doing but for some reason just remain dreams and talk. Maybe some personal or professional goals we’ve not tackled yet or possibly steps in our spiritual growth or steps toward better spiritual and emotional health. We each know the things that call out to us, the things that beckon us forward.

And yes, I realize taking a leap might require some sacrifice. Much like gaining our extra hour of daylight, the process might not be pain free. Whether we have to give up things like time, money, comfort zones, or even addictions or possibly things like lack of discipline, unforgiveness, fears, or idols, each one can hurt for awhile or be difficult to achieve. Each one comes with a cost.

What good things await you if you’ll only take the leap? Remember, once you’ve adjusted — once you’re made that sacrifice — you’ll love the benefit. So go ahead. Spring forward!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

**Don’s mom is very tired and weak but is hanging in there. She’s a fighter. All prayers still appreciated…

*Flickr photo by sabrina stash


  1. It takes me so long to adjust to daylight savings time, but I love it.

    Great post.

    Thanks for the update on your M-I-L.

  2. A timely (no pun intended!) word for me – I’m standing on the precipice, just like that little guy in the picture, except he’s at least in mid-air!

    I’ve got some leaping to do and some “stuff” to leave behind to lighten the load.

    Thanks friend,

  3. I loved your analogy! I also agree that there are things I have neglected to complete (or start) even after having resolve to go there. I’m feeling motivated to give it a try this new week!


  4. Yes, I need to take a couple of big leaps myself. That YA ms hiding in my file cabinet really needs to be finished. And that proposal for a devotional book isn’t going to write itself, is it?

    Close my eyes, hold my nose, and leap.


  5. I feel that in the last year or two I’ve taken some really big leaps of faith (or at least stepped way out of my comfort zone). I have to say that each time God has blessed my “leap” more than I ever imagined. Deciding to move is the hardest part.

    Happy leaping!

  6. Springing forward…sacrifice on the front end, benefits on the backside. Love this parallel, Cheryl.

    Much to ponder and consider today, as I think about where God would have me take a leap.


  7. Cheryl, this is one of those “meat” messages. I can chew on it for a while and receive so much. Thank you.

  8. Sometimes the first part of a leap is simply a small step. I love the verse you chose – be strong and courageous. I’m also reminded that ours is not a spirit of fear and timidity . . . Thanks for the encouragement to leap!

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